The first question I’m always asked is where did Nook come from? It’s a two part answer. The first part came from my family. Since I can remember my mother has called me her little miss Nook and it’s stuck for close to three decades. My father gave me my passion for cooking as a young child and a part of my heritage is the Tiger symbol. My sister - my best friend - has given me my passion for helping others through food and has taught me that food truly is medicine. It is responsible for making us feel our most vibrant - Our most alive. I opened an organic cold press juice company when I was 22 because I wanted there to be a quick and convenient way for people to have access to the vitamins and nutrients that our bodies needed as well as support local farmers and organic practices. Galt Juice Co. set me on the path of learning about health and wellness and truly understanding how important the food that we put into our bodies is. The path I took for the next 6 years lead me to building on that passion which became the ground for me to launch “Nook".
Every day we are told that we have to do a laundry list of activities and practices in order to feel our best. We are told to wake up early. Meditate. Eat Healthy. Exercise. Look Great. Be happy. Crush work. Be a giving partner. Raise a great family.. We have become obsessed with taking on so much in a day that we have sacrificed our health for convenience. Thinking about how many things we have to do to remain “Balanced” can cause us major imbalance. If we are supposed to do all of this in a day how the heck are we supposed to also go to the grocery store every few days, plan recipes, cook, serve, and then clean up afterwards? We have to be able to pick what we focus on because it is ludicrous to think that we can do it all and remain sane individuals.

I created Nook because of this gap. The gap that I saw first hand from talking to my clients who walked into my little plant base cafe over the last 5 years. From talking to them and hearing how run down they are, how they never have time for themselves, how they try to eat a clean diet but that they just don’t know how or where to start. Nook is here to focus on the food that will nourish your body the way it’s meant to be. To support your immune and digestive system, to add diversity into your diet so that your microbiome can flourish, to help heal and strengthen your gut system in order to fight off daily, to make you shine from the inside out. What is important is how we feel in our own skin. That means feeling energetic. We are here to take out the guess work from meal planning - You don’t have to think about what to cook - Don’t have to plan the ingredients to pick up - Don’t have to worry about because you know that all the ingredients we are sourcing are clean, organic where possible, gluten-free, dairy-free, contain zero preservatives or additives, and are free from refined sugars.
Nook is a transformative food delivery company that brings variety into your life in the most delicious and convenient way possible through a vibrant plant based program. Nook is here to help you fall in love with how good your body can feel when it is given the right support. We are here to help you get through the week so that you can find your passion in the kitchen on weekends when you have the time to enjoy the process. We will share delicious recipes with you along the way that are perfect to create come the weekend that are packed with nutrients.

As I was creating the base for Nook I knew that I wanted to begin with posing a challenge. A challenge for our clients who are making the decision to journey down this path with us. For all of the time gained back from not having to go to the grocery store, prep, cook, and clean - I challenge my clients to take that regained time and invest it back into themselves, not for work or for someone else, but for themselves. A healthy diet on it’s own just won’t cut it. We need to take the time for ourselves and invest in all aspects of health that we know are essential to manifesting feeling the highest version of ourself being active living, restorative sleep, stress reduction, human connection, and finding purpose.
Nook is here to provide the best fuel for your journey towards clean eating & living vibrantly.
x Madi, Founder