Celebrating Earth Day
This year has been a wild one for all of us, with our shared circumstances making the world seem smaller than ever before.
With this increased closeness we have been made to be more aware of how we all share one planet and we must take good care and appreciate our mother earth!

At Nook we are constantly looking for ways to improve our sustainability. All of our meals are animal product free and made of locally sourced produce, keeping our meals' environmental impact as low as possible. Our packaging is all reusable & recyclable and our plastic packaging is made of 99% plant matter, making it compostable too!
We do our best to reduce food waste as well, by making our food & juices to order, and sending our unavoidable food waste to a local organic farmer to feed their livestock.
Here are some simple ideas we can all implement to celebrate and care for our planet:
- Take a walk and discover native plants
- Reduce your meat & animal product consumption. Even a little bit helps!
- Learn about your local recycling & composting systems to effectively reduce waste
- Buy local organic produce & support your local farmers
This week we are also allotting time to learn more about our planet. Here's what we're reading, watching & listening to if you'd like to follow along:
- How Trees Talk to Each Other TED Talk
- Kiss the Ground Documentary
- Earth Day 3 Day Online Event
Happy Earth Day!